Dr. Ilija Lakicevic – Research Professor

tijdens een lezing bij Pateo
lezing BEM 2012
I was born on August 6th , 1950 in Grab, Montenegro (former Yugoslavia).


2020 Iljia komt weer in beeld. Zie de video over zijn nieuwste hulpmiddel tegen straling – 5G
Volgens Matthijs gebruiken elite kinderen deze stick met prima resultaat.
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Otto van Nieuwenwhuijze heeft de website van Ilija opnieuw toegankelijk gemaakt.
2015-07-14 verwijderd.  Eventueel bij mij in .zip formaat nog op te vragen
Frank; Bonte is overtuigd dat de informatie van Ilija ons inzicht geeft op “al wat is”.
Het gaat de doorbraak geven naar nieuwe energie.  Het is nu de tijd.  Transformatie.

1973 – graduated at Faculty for Natural Sciences and Mathematics – Department for Physics in Belgrade, Serbia.

1975 – got permanent employment in Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia

1977 – got my Master Degree in Atomic & Plasma Physics at the same  Faculty under the title “Stark Width and Shift Parameters of Alkaline Spectral Lines in Plasmas”.

1982 – got my Doctor Degree in Atomic & Plasma Physics at the same Faculty under the title: “Regularities and Systematic Trends of Spectral  Line Stark Width and Shift Parameters in Plasmas”

1985 -1987 spent two years as fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation from Bonn (Germany) at the University Dsseldorf developing plasma UV-spectroscopy at tokamak UNITOR and performing measurements of plasma instabilities in the scrape-off layer at tokamak TEXTOR in Jullich (Germany).

1987 – 1991 worked as guest scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics in Garching by Munich (Germany) performing measurements of magnetic field configuration at the stellarator  W7AS as well as measurements of the limiter heat load.

1991 – 2000 was working in Institute of Physics in Zemun (Serbia) on investigations of plasma force-free configurations and was collaborating with IAEA ( International Atomic Energy Agency) from Vienna (Austria). In 1995 I got the highest scientific degree –  Research Professor.

2000 – at the end of 2000 I had to leave the Institute of Physics as a strong opponent of the governing dictatorial family Milosevic in Serbia at that time. Then I went on my own way to discover and learn God’sprinciples and laws of creation. After 10 years of progression toward that sacred goal, I finally succeeded and now I know many God’s creational principles and laws and can apply them for simple and efficient creations which make the basis for a new life quality on this planet.

I am pioneer in creating with the New Energy and in 2006 I have successfully demonstrated that ability by transforming the quality (the degree of center-ness) of microwave radiation of a cell phone using the self-created multilayered structure containing no electronic components.  

I wrote two books in my mother language “Upamet cemo se tek – We are yet coming into the knowledge” (1997) and “Isus Hrist: Istina o Mome Zivotu – Jesus CHRIST: The Truth About My Life” (2009).

I speak English, German and Russian and can use good computer.

Dr. Ilija Lakicevic – Research Professor
is at this moment, aug.2014, living in Servië again.
2015-07 living in Zaandam, NL  again for a period at Tara’s home in Zaandam

Dr. Ilija Lakicevic, Res. Prof.

email: qs101moblaatditweg@gmail.com