With all the hints in the Alt-Sci Underground about “Caduceus” coils, “bifilar” coils, “Moebius” coils, and “Klein Bottle” coils, I thought I’d deliver my two cents and invite you to consider just what a magnetic field might actually be, that we should be trying to cancel it in the hopes of generating the elusive “Scalar” fields.
What follows is an “Andersenized” version of what magnetism is, and how we might harness its derivatives to achieve the manipulation of subtler fields, like the legendary “CHI” or “PSI” fields, or perhaps even GRAVITY itself…
An electric charge has been defined as a “stress on the aether”, a “violent spray of virtual particle flux”, etc.
A magnetic field, created around an electric charge when that charge is being accelerated, has often been called ’the relativistic transform of an electric field’. Ken Amdahl in his book There Are No Electrons compares the magnetic field to the wake left in the water after a speedboat has zoomed by, rocking the rowboats in the interference patterns generated by the disturbance to the water.
Here’s a visualizable model postulating a “spacetime” made of “aether”, which is an energetic flux of particles or waves (depending on your scale of observation) filling all otherwise “empty” space. A magnetic field line is formed from the “rolling” disturbance made in the aether when an electron “punches through” it. Other fields follow; they build in complexity with each step up the rungs of the “ladder” of reality, whose rungs are perpendicular to each other on the 3 directional axes of 3D-space.
Let’s visualize the following progression, starting with a moving charge:
1) An electron “plows” through the “aether”, into the computer screen. The aether “rolls” at right angles, toroidally, leaving a “wake” around the electron’s path, like a smoke ring. (Fig. 1)
Thus we have a rotating, “rolling” toroid of aether, curving perpendicularly to its “roll”, around an axis that itself encircles the path of the original perturbing electron. Let us call this “roll”-direction of the “smoke ring” the A-FIELD, also known as the MAGNETIC VECTOR POTENTIAL. I am here defining it as simply a rotation of the aether caused by the electron plowing through it, like inserting a rod between rollers and noting the direction of roller circling.
2) Since the perturbing electron is most likely going to be part of a steady CURRENT of electrons travelling down a wire, let’s therefore visualize a whole “row” of such toroids of aether, one after another, all rolling in the same direction as the electrons pass by. (Fig. 2) (Understand that the toroids are rotating, not along their outer circumference like turning a steering wheel; but they’re “rolling” such that their centers ’turn inside out’ and move to the outer edge, then roll back into the center, etc.)
Note that the superposition of all these adjacent toroids, rotating, gives a net vector of aether or “A-field” which gets “dragged along” after the electron flow in the same direction; at the outer edge we find an opposite flow of aether. Thus we have inner and outer A-field vectors which form long loops in opposite directions, in the superposition of the individual aetheric loops.
3) At the center of each of these individual toroids of aether, these “curls” of the A-field, is a low-pressure axis (mentioned earlier) around which the A-field aether rolls or rotates.
This central axis is one line of MAGNETIC FLUX, or a B-FIELD line.
Its “direction” is to the left, or counterclockwise, as the electron recedes into the screen. (Fig. 3) This curvature around the electron path is known as the “left-hand rule” that electronics technicians learn in school.
4) If we now curve the electron current’s path toward the left (Fig. 4), forming the wire in which they’re travelling into a loop, so that eventually the electrons curve back around toward us and exit the screen, then curve back into the screen to circle around again, the aetheric toroids (whose axes constitute magnetic field lines) become aligned such that there is a net direction of B-field into the loop, as well as an oppositely-directed component outside the loop. Thus we have “South” and “North” magnetic poles, respectively. The South pole is where lines enter the loop, converging. The North pole is where they exit the loop, diverging.
5) If we wind many electron loops, one after the other, along a common axis (i.e., wind a SOLENOIDAL wire coil, and stand it up vertically on end, with the electrons entering the top and spiralling down the coil to the bottom), the superposition of all B-field lines will produce a concentrated vertical “flow” of B-field lines down the center of the coil, which will then exit and flow back up to the top of the coil in broad loops from bottom to top. The top, where the field lines enter, is the South pole. The bottom, where they exit, is the North pole. (Fig. 5) This whole pattern of loops at right angles to the windings of the coil is what we call the “magnetic field” of the solenoid, similar to that of a bar magnet.
6) At this point we take another look at what has happened to the A-field. Although things are beginning to get more difficult to visualize at this level of complexity, the net effect is that we now see the A-field as a set of concentric circles, surrounding the solenoid up and down its length, parallel to the windings of the coil (Fig. 6). The direction of “flow” within these circles is apparently counter to that of the current flow in the coil.
The magnetic B-field exists at right angles to both the windings and the A-field. Thus the electrical engineer defines the B-field as the “curl” of the A-field. A magnetic line of force, again, is where the magnetic vector potential, A, rotates or “curls” around a central, cylindrical axis. This creates a low-pressure zone in the aether. A difference of aether pressure produces a potential for force– magnetic force, in this case. B = Curl A.
7) Now let’s take the solenoid coil, itself, and bend it around into a curve until the ends connect into a circle. We now have a TOROIDAL coil, and it is here where things begin to get interesting when viewed from an “aetheric” point of view.
The first thing we notice is that, for all practical purposes, all the magnetic B-field lines are now INSIDE the coil. (Fig. 7) This property, especially when the coil is wound on a high-permeability core material, gives the toroid the ability to shield itself from external magnetic fields. This is why toroids have become so popular with radio receiver builders– gone are the days when RF coils had to be encased in a grounded metal can so that unwanted magnetic coupling would not occur between highly sensitive amplifier stages.
Now let’s examine the A-field of a toroid (Fig. 8): It resembles the B-field of a solenoid! Thus there’s a net direction of “A-field flow” through the center hole of the donut-shaped toroidal coil. There’s a so-called “North” and “South” direction. The A-field’s “lines of potential” flow into the center hole on one side, concentrate there, then flow out on the other side and broaden out into larger loops that eventually converge back into the coil. So, although the magnetic (B) field of a toroid is circular in shape and contained almost entirely inside the toroid itself, the magnetic vector potential (A-field) is TOROIDAL in shape, like an enlarged version of the coil itself– and composed of, presumably, toroidal loops of aether itself, in a preferred direction through the toroid!
At this point we need to step back and ask ourselves how we “built up” our description of the A-field. Well, the A-field was the original “rolling” of spacetime or aether in smoke-ring fashion around the path of a moving electron. Therefore, the A-field or magnetic vector potential IS identically a movement, or POTENTIAL movement, of the
aether! Therefore, the toroid-wound coil, with its magnetic field “hidden” (not “cancelled”!) inside the toroid itself, seems to “give off” no magnetic effect at all– but it is giving off a flow (or potential flow) of aether through the hole of the donut, in a definite direction.
At this point let us step back again and “plant” the entire toroid coil into a picture in which there are vectors of “aether” coming down vertically from above (Fig. 9), and let’s orient our toroid field’s polarity such that its central hole’s aetheric vectors are pointing UPWARD, against the downward- pointing background vectors.
Now let’s assume that those downward-pointing vectors are equivalent to a GRAVITY FIELD. Let’s say that gravity is actually a PUSH, not a PULL, in the sense that there’s an omnidirectional flux of aether-pressure at any point in space. If you happen to be on a large planet, like Earth, the planet is absorbing or blocking the directional component of the aether pressure that would normally be pushing UP at you if the earth weren’t there. But since there’s nothing shielding you from the pressure from ABOVE, the net effect is that you find yourself plastered to the surface of the earth by a force that seems to be related to the size or mass of the planet you’re on— and so everyone has always assumed that “gravity” is some mysterious force INTERNAL to any mass, that causes a PULL toward that mass. (Note that Isaac Newton figured out how to calculate the MAGNITUDE of this force; he never claimed to have figured out WHAT IT WAS or what CAUSED it.)
But if gravity really “blows”, rather than “sucks”, and that “blowing” is the force of the universal aether raining down upon us in a net downward direction because the earth is blocking the opposing flow from the other side, then perhaps we can build devices that generate a net OPPOSING “aether-wind”— and perhaps we can cancel those gravitational vectors to zero. And float, weightless and inertia-free, inside a “bubble” of our own making. Now THERE’S an interpretation of Tom Bearden’s “zero-vector = electrogravity” concept that seems to make some sense.
Alt-Sci researcher Stan Deyo has a video in which he shows movies of toroidal puffs of air colliding with clouds of smoke; rather than dispersing one another, the clouds seem to “part” as the toroidal “soliton” of air slips into it; the clouds close up behind it as it travels through. One is reminded of the way fish and dolphins slip through the water with an absolute minimum of disturbance to the water– or how, according to some reports, UFOs seem to slip in and out of clouds or even thin air without much more than a momentary distortion of the space they occupy…
So based on the above, we can imagine a possible design of an antigravity device (or “craft”) based on a toroidal aether “pump” such as I’ve outlined above, whose A-field vectors would be pointing UPWARD and then outward, then down around the toroid and back into the bottom. Such a configuration turns the toroid into an “aetheric smoke ring” which “parts” the downward- pointing gravitational vectors, deflecting them away from and around the “ship”. (The device may need a DIFFERENCE of aether pressure to “pump” and produce lifting force; see below.)
If the device is high in the air, the gravitational vectors eventually resume their original paths on their way to the earth’s surface. As the craft descends, there appears a circular “shadow” zone under the craft where the downward vectors are increasingly replaced by an “aetheric vacuum” or sucking action created by the upward bending of the ship’s G-vectors up into the center of the ship.
Finally the craft descends to touch the ground, or hovers a few feet above it, or rests on leg supports; the area directly underneath experiences a net UPWARD gravity field or “antigravity” (as does the space directly above the device). Thus it is sometimes reported that, when curious onlookers on the ground came too close, the cautious pilots of the craft ascended quite suddenly, taking some of the dirt from the ground with them!
7) How might we shape this curving toroidal field into more of a straight, homogenous, directional field? The answer would be to construct a “Helmholtz” coil approach. Just as we can position two “hoop” coils, identically-phased, near one another and thus create a “straight” field inside the area between them, so we can position another toroid near the first one, and create a homogenous, unidirectional A-field between them.
The next step would be to create a difference or GRADIENT in the aether pressure; to do this, we would make one of our toroids of a different diameter than the first (Fig. 10). Placing these near each other on the same “donut hole axis” will cause more of a cone-shaped A-field to form between the coils; such a differential between potentials ought to give rise to a force vector with a direction from the larger diameter coil to the smaller one, and then out and around them as before. The formerly symmetrical field then takes on an “imbalance” which manifests as a lifting or thrusting force.
Notice how the general cross-section of a “saucer”-shaped vehicle emerges if we imagine a protective “hull” surrounding these coils.
Also notice that we are beginning to approach a “lens”-like structure, as we “focus” our aetheric field vectors to a point above the device.
Out of all of this we can generalize a basic relationship between magnetism and the “aether”:
1) Cause a flow of aether to rotate around a loop, and the axis of that rotation generates a magnetic B-field line of force.
2) Cause a circular flow of magnetic field lines, and you generate a toroidal, directional flow of aether or A-field. Stack up a few toroids, and you can direct the aether to flow in a straight line. Stack up a few toroids with decreasing diameters, and you should be able to produce a gravity-like force due to the gradient in the aetheric potential between coils.
More to come on these concepts as I develop and test them. For now, any responses will be welcome!
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