Subject: FW: Fw: Science Query on Global Consciousness
www. mountaintimes. com/mtweekly/10-11-2001/proof. php3 Science may be on the verge of proving what the spiritual community has claimed all along about prayer and meditation: that group consciousness exists and it can show up on a worldwide scale. The events in the US on September 11 provided the latest indications of this possibility, when devices around the world registered significant anomalies before, during and for some time after the attacks.
As yet, scientists are not exactly sure what their results mean, but they do admit that something significant has occurred – and it has done so in similar circumstances before. The 38 devices – called “eggs” — are located around the world. These eggs generate random data continuously and send it for archiving and analysis to a special central location at Princeton University. They’re known as Random Number Generators (RNG). To use an analogy familiar to most people through trips to the doctor, the network is like an EEG for the planet.
The RNGs are the brainchild of scientists at Princeton University, who have been operating since the late 1990s ongoing research called the Global Consciousness Project (GCP).
“The underlying motivation for this work”, reports the GCP’s web site at, “is to discover whether there is evidence for an anomalous interaction driving the eggs to non-random behavior. In a metaphoric sense, we are looking for evidence of a developing global consciousness that might perceive and react to events with deep meaning.” On September 11, “The whole world reeled in disbelief and horror as the news of the terrorist attack and the unspeakable tragedy unfolded. The egg network registered an unmistakable and profound response.” That morning, data that normally flows randomly suddenly began to register distinct concentrations in pattern, like a peak on a graph. Extreme deviations began “before the first World Trade Center tower was hit and continu(ed) for nearly three days, to the end of (September) 13th. The anomalous trend began at about 4 a. m. EST on September 11.
Scientists at the GCP are unready to commit to what this means exactly. “We cannot explain the presence of stark patterns in data that should be random,” they report, but they also state, “the results of our analyses are unequivocal… There is an important and uniquely powerful message here. When we ask why the disaster in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania should appear to be responsible for a strong signal in our world-wide network of instruments designed to generate random noise, there is no obvious answer. When we look carefully and discover that the egg’s might reflect our shock and dismay even before our minds and hearts express it, we confront a still deeper mystery… We do not know if there is such a thing as a global consciousness, but if there is, it was moved by the events of 9/11/01. We do not know how, but it appears that the coherence and intensity of our common reaction created a sustained pulse of order in the random flow of numbers from our instruments. These patterns where there should be none look like reflections of our concentrated focus, as the riveting events drew us from our individual concerns and melded us into an extraordinary cherence. Maybe we became, briefly a global consciousness.” The RNG’s have shown deviations from the norm on at least one major world event before, the death of Princess Diana. They also registered some deviations from random patterns during a global meditation organized by the Gaiamind Project, designed for the five minutes between 5:30 and 5:35 p. m.
(Greenwich Mean Time) on 1/23.97 to coincide with an unusual astronomical conjunction.
However, the RNGs registered no anomalies during the funeral of Mother Teresa, which came shortly after Princess Diana’s. The RNGs also registered no anomalies during an attempt to replicate the January 23,
1997 Global Meditation. It seems that the events that register significant deviations from random “share a common feature, namely, that they engage our attention and draw us in large numbers into a common focus.” Professor Mike Perry, Ph. D, a mathematician and statistician in the Math Department of ASU works a lot with random numbers. He said that, while he doesn’t know anything about the Global Consciousness Group, the fact it’s from Princeton gives it a “basis for legitimacy,” and the results “are kind of interesting.” “Some people might think this is just nonsense,” he said, “but I’m not skeptical of anything until it is proved or disproved. It’s the first time I’ve seen anything like this. There are lots of different kinds of explanations for things, but the actual explanation of this is beyond the realm of mathematics and statistics.” He suggested it might belong more to the realm of philosophers.
Could the effect that appeared on the RNGs during the attack be similar to the effect that occurs when people pray together? Fr. Rick Lawler, Parish Priest of St. Mary of the Hills Episcopal Church in Blowing Rock said, “I feel that when we are involved in prayer we are opening to the sacred, to what the Christian community calls God and to each other in ways that may have been closed off or frozen to each other. The more people who pray together, the greater the impact.
“I can’t say anything about the experiment or the numbers, but I would like to believe that (the effect of prayer) could be measured.” If what’s being measured does indeed prove the existence of group consciousness, such a result could be of major significance. If more generally known and accepted, groups worldwide could begin consciously and deliberately to choose to focus their thoughts, emotions and energies towards the achievement of a single intention worldwide.
Henry Reed, Ph. D., Senior Fellow at the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies, who also teaches at Ancient Wisdom in Boone, said, “This study is adding to a growing body of evidence that a group of people, setting their intent and working in consciousness alone, can have an impact world wide.
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