Dan Winter – juni 2009 – laatste ontdekkingen – zwaartekracht en meer


Dan Winter- publishes his new mathematic ‘golden’ proof: – How Golden Ratio (Phase Conjugate / Fractality) Causes Gravity
GOLDEN RATIO radii of HYDROGEN – actually are a PERFECT MULTIPLE of GOLDEN RATIO times the PLANCK LENGTH. There could be no other explanation than it is this GOLDEN RATIO – that holds these waves of charge together! (ultimate global scaling)
– Producing the electrical centripedal force – called GRAVITY!

Dan Winter- publishes his new mathematic ‘golden’ proof:
– How Golden Ratio (Phase Conjugate / Fractality) Causes Gravity

(Credits- site index- see bottom here– this is goldenmean.info – where else would you expect to read the new proof THAT GOLDEN MEAN- causes gravity.. )

What other explanation could there be?…>

(Dan’s new mathematics reveals) – The THREE known GOLDEN RATIO radii of HYDROGEN – actually are a PERFECT MULTIPLE of GOLDEN RATIO times the PLANCK LENGTH (to within about 1/1000 accuracy).

There could be no other explanation than it is this GOLDEN RATIO – that holds these waves of charge together!
– Producing the electrical centripedal force – called GRAVITY!
The ULTIMATE form of global scaling: goldenmean.info/globalscaling

(you might click -save -on this page – because the frequency recipes may be the most important and powerful that have ever been published on this planet- .This is proof- that only fractal fields- actually make gravity AND life- AND implementing this is the ONLY hope our civilization has of survival in the VERY near future.)

Original Physics Equations from Dan Winter: June 14, 09 – as Published goldenmean.info – all other physics journals will need to credit this as first source.

Dan Winter- is well known for being the first to announce Golden Ratio Fractality as the Electric Cause of Gravity– in his Budapest 2006 Paper, Presented & Published with the proceedings- International Unified Field Conference: www.goldenmean.info/budapest08/physicsoverview.html .- a view now supported by the mathematics of El Naschie – and here his new equations. He also has widely published his prediction: Atoms MAKE Gravity to the Extent that their nucleus is FRACTAL TO – SELF SIMILAR TO- EMBEDDED (by Golden Ratio) – in & to their electrons: www.goldenmean.info/creation

Acknowledgement for support from Salvatore Giandinoto PhD for help with the mathematics and for his help making the biological measurements!

So – our international-research team- on the- Frequency Keys- to Hydrolysis & Hydrogen- just came up with HOW – the famous KANSIUS (‘Can Water Fuel the World!) – got his frequency key to split hydrogen. He took the known sputtering frequency of Palladium (phase conjugate/ PGM!) – 13.56 Mhz. He found out that this radically reduced the power needed to split hydrogen from water. Even the noble Rustum Roy – quickly realized this was the end of Earth’s energy crisis. (Check the films and links- water IS power- when you can directly ring out the hydrogen).

I decided to apply the mathematics I had originally discovered to produce the key frequencies I use to make phase conjugate dielectrics. With these frequency recipes- in Phase Conjugate dielectric- materials – I have been able to produce 50% growth increase- measured – in bioactive fields. ( goldenmean.info/phaseconjugatewaterconfidential). The key is to know that the GOLDEN MEAN- and PLANCK TIME CONSTANT (and PLANK LENGTH) define the sacred- and the bioactive – and phase conjugation (and gravity)! I had multiplied the Plank time constant times PHI powers- to get my magic frequency for EVERYTHING. (Take a lesson – you folks who talk about 528 hz – Len Horowitz- and 8 hz etc. being sacred- we KNOW what sacred frequencies are!) .

So I took my same original equation- and applied it to Kansius’s Palladium / Hydrogen frequency – guess what – I got a perfect multiple of GOLDEN RATIO – to many places of accuracy:

So now I knew how to derive most any ‘sacred’ and bioactive – and hydrogen ringing frequency.

Note here: if you have commercial resources to participate- in our Hydrolysis & The FREQUENCY Solution- project- we have films of results (hydrogen overflowing)- we are ready for your serious partnership: [email protected]

SO- I decided to go deeper. I had been so thrilled to find the work – of Heyrovska (below) – showing GOLDEN RATIO – accurately in the radii of hydrogen and many related ions. I devised a test. If I was right- that:

Gravity is an electric field coupled by Golden Ratio (perfect charge collapse) at (universal ) quantum distances:
(Perfect Charge Collapse- IS Golden Ratio Phase Conjugation – / Fractality)

Then – the exciting new listings of the Golden Ratio radii in hydrogen ( from Heyrovska- below)
– I hypothesized SHOULD be whole number multiples of GOLDEN RATIO – times the PLANK LENGTH…

I did the calculations (thanks Sal for your moral support).. and guess what-


Planck Length (1.616252 x 10^-35 meter) x Golden Ratio (1.618033989) ^ 116 power = .282537 Angstrom -The First Radii of Hydrogen (below)

Planck Length (1.616252 x 10^-35 meter) x Golden Ratio (1.618033989) ^ 117 power = .457154 Angstrom -The Second Radii of Hydrogen

Planck Length (1.616252 x 10^-35 meter) x Golden Ratio (1.618033989) ^ 118 power = .739691 Angstrom -The Third Radii of Hydrogen

Compare the calculation from Winter above – with Hydrogen experimental base below- (Heyrovska) .28 Angstrom, .46 Angstrom, .74 Angstrom. (1 Angstrom = 10 ^-10 meter)
(Equations above from WINTER) – This next section BELOW is exerpt from Dr. Rajalakshmi Heyrovska (Raji Heyrovska, Ph. D.)Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic. http://www.jh-inst.cas.cz/~rheyrovs/
"…the energy of atomic hydrogen is actually equivalent to the energy of the simplest atomic condenser with the Golden mean capacity"

Commentary from Dan Winter- continued-

HOW Golden Ratio Fractal Phase Conjugation – Causes Gravity: Perfect wave collapse- (Einstein’s definition of gravity) has to couple the inertia of compression during rotation – with that of acceleration. This is the very nature of gravity. Only the golden mean path with the power to make wave interference constructive in both addition and multiplication- solves this problem. Gravity is the Golden Ratio CONSTRUCTIVE adding and multiplying of (charge) wave VELOCITIES- producing ACCELERATION.- The portion of the rotational inertia known as mass- is coupled to the experience of acceleration which waves of charge experience in the presence of this golden ratio fractality (‘golden quantum field theory’ El Naschie) which causes gravity. Gravity is a coupling of electric fields which happen due to how they are phase locked at very short wave (and very universal) quantum lengths. The premiere spe
ctral distances being in the golden ratio wave fractality or ‘self similarity’ which describes how the nucleus must embed in its electrons- which allows atoms to make gravity.

In this model – further- charge is identified as the net difference betweeen rarefaction and compression generated when these compressional waves traverse the either. The electron then becomes not a point source, but rather a very small slip knot – we point to the work of Gautier.. (below). That slip knot itself participates in the fractal or gordian knot that is gravity precisely by utilizing again golden ratio curvature- because that defines optimized translation of vorticity. Hydrodynamics has long known this optimized coupling of rotational inertia to linear inertia – was the definition of the golden mean spiral path . What they had not discovered – was that it is precisely this characteristic of the golden mean curvature – which makes this spiral wave path for charge- the only way to acheive non-destructive wave collapse. therefore making this golden mean fractality the creator of the phenomenon of charge acceleration

Dan Winter

How the solution to Unified Fields- is solved by the Golden Ratio key to Perfect COLLAPSE- Perfect Compression:

Compare Garrett Lisi’s internal folding of the (Golden Ratio based) E8..
to the internal folding -called perfect collapse- of Bucky Fuller’s -vector flexor- JIITTERBUG-
as the CubeOcta (octave geometry) COLLAPSES PERFECTLY to the (Golden Ratio ) ICOSA/Dodeca…
In the below table- click on the link to the animation source- 4 from Garrett Lisi- 2 from Bucky animators.

As you watch the JITTERBUG- the wave collapse of the CUBEOCTAHEDRON (powers of two internal wave ratios) – to the ICOSA (/dodeca ) (with its powers of GOLDEN RATIO internal wave geometric)- observe that you are witnessing the beginning of PERFECT WAVE COLLAPSE.. This jitterbug has been presented at international conferences as the MECHANISM OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY (Tom Sawyer) .

It is reassuring to find out now – that when my friend Bucky Fuller taught me personally that this JITTERBUG (standing wave?) was important because it had (quoting) " the characteristics of a vector equilibrium is its ability to contract by folding in on itself ". The great part is that in this sentence Bucky himself had identified the (Golden Ratio) – mechanism of the CAUSE OF GRAVITY (perfected wave collapse) : a perfect golden path for waves of charge to fold in on themselves!

Bucky Fuller’s VECTOR FLEXOR doing the JITTERBUG- revealing as the (octave) CUBEOCTA- JITTERBUGS (perfect heart centered collapse) it creates a GOLDEN MEAN FOLDING PATH- to the (golden ratio stellated) ICOSA…

..revealing as the THIRTEENTH SPHERE (nested in perfect cubeocta) – DISSOLVES BY PERFECT EMBEDDING / COMPRESSION- IN TO THE OTHER TWELVE- which then collapse inward to the ICOSA>>

-below E8 Image- credit Garrett Lisi

(return to commentary from Winter): E8 is easier to grasp when we see that golden ratio is the glue that holds it together…

By not emphasizing the fact that E8 is based largely on Golden Ratio – Garrett Lisi misses the principle.. namely what produces – the centripedal force holding it together (producing gravity). Thus as El Naschie’s work on the golden ratio mechanism thruout E8 – demonstrates- this is the primary geometry which holds it together.

If you read El Naschie’s 108 or more international papers – on largely Golden Ratio nature of E8- it becomes easier to understand why he calls this ‘golden quantum field theory’ the basis for how – as he suggests- the fractal nature of space CAUSES gravity.

(BELOW- From our original discussion of Garrett Lisi and E8: goldenmean.info/caughtinthematrix
More Thoughts on El Naschie – Physics of GOLDEN RATIO symmetry- from goldenmean.info":
1. Fractal Vacuum:Fractality Ultimately Defines Energy Efficiency AND Sustainability-&Consciousness?
construction recently expounded in the book by Lapidus and Frankenhuysen, it is shown how the complexified extension of El Naschie ’s Cantorian-Fractal spacetime model belongs to a very special class of http://www.goldenmean.info/fractalvacuum/

(animation exerpted from Lisi – see youtube film at link> label added by Winter…)
from: Surfer dude stuns physicists with theory of everything. "An impoverished surfer has drawn up a new theory of the universe, seen by some as the Holy Grail of physics, which has received rave reviews from scientists
" Several theoretical physicists and scholars have pointed out that the Egyptian scientist, M. S. El Naschie reached the same conclusions of Lisi some 14 years earlier and that M. Green of Cambridge, UK and J. Schwarz of Caltech, USA and E. Witten of Princeton, USA were the first to discover E8 for high energy physics. (see S. Traener comments on November 23 (2007) and Maurice Meyers November 19 (2007)link) ….. Following P. Gerard