Toegestuurd door Karl Theis, van de Cloudbuster groep

Volgens diverse leden van onze nieuwsgroep zou deze luchtvervuiling ook al in Nederland worden toegepast.
Meestal op Zondagavond door overvliegende Amerikaanse toestellen richting Duitsland.

De Wholy Handgrenade, de Holy hand grenade , de Cloudbuster en alle orgonen opwekkende apparatuur zouden deze luchtvervuiling neutraliseren.
DOR = deadly orgonen wordt getransformeerd in Orgonen ofwel levensenergie

De WHG = Wholy Hand Grenade of bioveldvormer is nu uit voorraad leverbaar.
Type 528 – prijs op aanvraag
De WHG zorgt voor een neutralisering van de DOR in de woning.
Het neutraliseert de negatieve invloed van electrosmog en geopatische belastingen.
Naast de door Dr. Wilhelm Reich toegepaste techniek is een informatie techniek toegepast. (Donave)
Info: frank@nulpuntenergie

De HHG of Holy Handgrenade en de Cloudbuster, zoals in Amerika toegepast,
alsmede materialen voor zelfbouw zijn nu ook in Nederland verkrijgbaar

This is from Larry Lawson

(Here’s why we have people being BURNED out of their homes and our FOOD BEING DESTROYED people!! These are NOT ‘natural’ disasters is ANY way shape or form.

The Chemtrail Crisis – An Overview and Update
By Amy Worthington The Idaho Observer
It is no secret that America’s military-industrial megalith is secretly altering earth’s atmosphere in frightening ways. Huge numbers of aircraft are now kept aloft to create “clouds” with ultra-tiny, ionized metallic
HAARP-generated microwave pulses are continually used to heat and agitate the ionosphere. Synthetically-manufactured chem-clouds desiccate the air and
effectively block the sun.
The principles of this grotesque aerosol project are spelled out in a
U.S patents. In 1974, persons associated with National Aeronautics
and Space
Administration (NASA) obtained patent US3813875 for using barium to
clouds in the upper atmosphere. In 1991, Hughes Aircraft Company
patent US5003186, a method for seeding the greenhouse gas layer with
particles which include “oxides of metal , e.g., aluminum oxide.” The
states that one proposed solution to global warming was “to add the
particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be
from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising
altitude…..” The 1996 Air Force document titled Weather as a Force
Multiplier, declares, “In the United States, weather-modification will
become a part of national security policy with both domestic and
applications. Our government will pursue such a policy….” By 1998,
policy became rudely conspicuous.
Blue skies have become a rarity. Demoralized citizens have become
ill and angered, not only by the aerosol project itself, but by the
of those who do whatever they please, the consequences be damned.
chemtrail investigator Clifford Carnicom, despite having his life
and his phone continually tapped, has compiled data showing that the
to be radically altered toward the alkaline. This indicates the
presence of barium salts. Using spectroscopy and pH tests to prove his
hypothesis, Carnicom warned that his findings have “major
implications for both
the chemistry and biology of the nation and the globe.” Carnicom also
shrewdly discovered that in 1997, U.S. officials altered national visibility
standards, indicating anticipation of an aircraft aerosol operation to be
conducted over large geographic regions. The old visibility standard of 40 miles has
been reduced to 10 miles. And climatic archive data shows that visibility
BELOW 10 miles is now a regular occurrence, in major contrast to the norm only
four years ago.
In January CBS News reported on bizarre geo-engineering experiments
proposed for global warming reduction. The report confirmed that one of the methods
advocated by physicist Edward Teller is to fill the atmosphere with
metallic particles to “scatter away 1 or 2% of the sunlight…the sooner the
Last December, a Canadian citizen complaining to his local air authority
about sky-muck over Victoria, British Columbia, was told by that authority
that the chemtrail formations were the result of a joint U.S. and Canadian
military exercise. His explanation was caught on audio tape and played for
radio listeners all over the Western Hemisphere. (We have not yet heard
whether this uniquely candid official has been boiled in oil). Also recently, an
FAA official confirmed in a taped interview with freelance radio reporter
S. T. Brendt that he was told on four occasions in March to re-route
commercial air traffic to accommodate a huge military aerial operation over the
northeastern seaboard.
Radio talk show host Whitley Strieber recently carried on his web
site an unconfirmed report that a group of former military officers used a
private jet to obtain a sample of aerosol material being emitted by a military
cargo aircraft. Laboratory tests on that sample reportedly confirmed that
the effluent contained both aluminum and barium. Unfortunately, aluminum
and barium are toxic to humans. Hapless populations sprayed continually with
these substances are bound to exhibit symptoms of neurological damage and
chronic illness. The toxic effects of barium are confirmed by a 1992
Department of Health and Human Services publication. It states that barium can cause
breathing difficulties, increased blood pressure, changes in heart
rhythm, stomach irritation, muscles weakness, swelling of the brain, as well
as damage to the liver, kidney, heart and spleen.
Barium was reportedly used by the U.S. as a weapon in the Gulf War to
make the enemy weak and ill. Aluminum is toxic to the nervous system and
deleterious to the brain. Its effects on human health were recently illustrated when
Canadians in Espanola, Ontario, reported mass illness after low-flying U.S. jets
strafed their town with condensation trails containing aluminum coated fibers
Investigators found area rainwater contained seven times the allowable limit
for aluminum exposure, as people complained of neck pain, breathing
problems, headaches, burning eyes and dry coughs. While the military “bombs”
populated areas with microscopic pollution particles, the Environmental
Protection Agency warns of health dangers from breathing such particles. Just last
year, EPA cited major studies which found that even moderate air pollution can
trigger sudden death by changing heart rhythm in people with existing cardiac
“For air pollution to have such a substantial impact on public health
and have it show up consistently is remarkable, ” said an EPA official quoted
by the Los Angeles Times.
While EPA wags its finger at industrial pollution, it consistently
denies any knowledge of chemtrail pollution, despite the agency’s furtive
monitoring of chemtrail web sites where photographic reports of such pollution is
constantly updated. Chemtrails and the illness that invariably accompanies heavy
spray campaigns. Thus far, congressional Reps answer angry inquiries with
canned recitations that chemtrails are nothing but contrails that form when
hot jet exhaust mixes with atmospheric air of low vapor pressure and
These Con-co
wards also invariably report that NOAA, the Air Force and the
Department of Health and Human Services deny knowledge and responsibility for
unusual aerosol activity. Such official prevarication only adds to public
frustration and mistrust. And it certainly confirms widespread suspicion that
government officials are lying whenever they move their mouths.
All of this is the “good” news. Next month, we will examine evidence
of an even more sinister component of the international aerosol campaign–that of
non-consensual and very dangerous BIOLOGICAL testing now being
conducted on the public at large.
Meantime, stay tuned to: and

karl theis
video field reporter

Wat de chemtrails betreft dit is in de jaren 1998 begonnen en is er
met name in Amerika enorm veel protest tegen aangetekend maar zonder
een enkel resultat en blijft men gewoon doorgaan met het besproeien van
het vergif vanuit de lucht..
Ik heb er een speciale pagina op mijn website aangewijd;
Ook hier in Nederland heb ik ze heel vaak gezien maar als ik
er weleens mensen op attend maak dan kijken ze je aan of je van een
andere planeet komt. (komen wij dan ook waarschijnlijk ook)
De laatste keer dat ik naar Spanje vloog heb
ik het aan de piloot gevraagd. Geen enkele reaktie!
Ook in Spanje zijn ze regelmatig te zien.
Ergens een keer gelezen dat het ook in de bedoeling kan liggen om een
scherm op te bouwen om via holografische technieken ons een
interesant scenario voor te schotelen. Projecties die dan net echt lijken, zoiets
als de landing van ruimteschepen of andere Hollywoodachtige projecties!