NASA captures giant comet hitting sun

by Sterling D. Allan – Pure Energy Systems News 

Here’s an awesome video showing something you don’t see every day.
Watch as this comet (shown in time lapse, recorded over last Tuesday and Wednesday) smashes into the sun, then a coronal mass ejection (CME) goes streaming out as if instigated by the comet, in a cause-effect relationship.
I may be wrong, but this seems to support the "electric universe" model.



"The Electric Universe theory highlights the importance of electricity throughout the Universe.
It is based on the recognition of existing natural electrical phenomena (eg. lightning, St Elmo’s Fire), and the known properties of plasmas (ionized "gases") which make up 99.999% of the visible universe, and react strongly to electro-magnetic fields." (Source)

Check out the video, as published by Russia Today on YouTube.

You are here: > News > May 18, 2011
NASA captures giant comet hitting sun

NASA has caught an astonishing image of a comet smashing into the sun, followed by an immediate coronal mass ejection that goes streaming out as if instigated by the comet, in a cause-effect relationship.  Is this additional evidence of the Electric Universe model?