MMS werd nu ook afgekraakt in een TV programma in Australië.
Eerder in Nederland bij TROSRADAR, maar toch bereikte ons dit mooie verhaal over een 77 jarige vrouw in Friesland die met terminaal kanker naar huis werd gestuurd, echter de zorgzame dochter deed met MMS  wonderen 



Doe je eigen onderzoek. Doe je eigen onderzoek. Doe je eigen onderzoek

Artsen en specialisten  kunnen met hun technieken soms niet tot resultaten komen.
Wij weten dat additieve technieken vaak wèl prima resulaten geven.
Dit filmpje is daar een mooi voorbeeld van.
Overigens het filmpjes is al eens van YT verwijderd.
Interessant zijn ook de testen van het Rode Kruis in Afrika.
100% resultaat echt echter wel verboden toe te passen door het hoofdkantoor.


Wintertip tegen verkoudheid:
Doe 14 druppels NaClO2 en 14 druppels citroenzuur (aktivator) aangevuld met water in een spuitflacon van 30 ml.
Spray in je mond en zie de verkoudheid verdwijnt als sneeuw onder de zon.
Nog beter, werk preventief.

Moeten we ons niet eens gaan beraden hoe we MMS veilig kunnen stellen tegen eventuele toekomstige druk cq processen? Wellicht kunnen we met de MMS verkopers in NL een onafhankelijk lab onderzoek laten doen wat MMS is en doet?
Nu is een onzer verkopers weer aangepakt.

Want er wordt steeds gezegd dat het een bleekmiddel uit een supermarkt is, ook nu weer op het nieuws in Nieuw Zeeland (zie video onderop). Dit is makkelijk tegen te spreken en nog te bewijzen ook dat het GEEN bleekmiddel of gewoon chloor is wat kankerverwekkend is. Een toxicoloog zou moeten weten dat chloordioxide een heel andere samenstelling is en ongevaarlijk is, ook blijven er geen reststoffen achter.

Zoals wij weten wordt het gebruikt in ziekenhuizen om instrumenten te ontsmetten, drinkwater te zuiveren en voedsel langer vers te houden. Ook zijn de soldaten in de golfoorlog van de antrax aanvallen gered mbv chloordioxide. Antrax is het meest dodelijk micro organisme op deze planeet. Alleen chloordioxide zou dit kunnen elimineren. En er word regelmatig chloordioxide ingezet bij zelfs woningen of bedrijven met dodelijke schimmels om deze te ontsmetten. Het zijn allemaal feitelijke bewijzen die we kunnen verzamelen als aantoonbaar bewijsmateriaal. Niemand kan daar meer omheen. Doe daarbij de wereldwijde ervaringen van mensen over de afgelopen 14 jaar en ze kunnen geen kant meer op.

Een tweede optie zou kunnen zijn om een kopie van de lab onderzoeken van Jim Humble toe te laten sturen. In zijn boek staat tenslotte dat het grondig is onderzocht in een lab. Meerdere keren zelfs.

We zouden alle ervaringsdeskundigen moeten oproepen om getuigenverklaringen te laten maken, internationaal!
Deze ervaring kan men dan anoniem op een daarvoor beschikbaar forum plaatsen. Waarbij de refs opvraagbaar zijn op vrijwillige basis.

Now Playing: Miracle cure: ‘Toxic and dangerous’ (8:48)


Jim Humble MMS Newsletter

More Attacks on MMS

                                                             20 December 2010

The Governments of the world have now become agents of the drug companies. Four more people have been attacked for absolutely no reason except the lies the governments tell the mass media. They can’t find anything MMS has done badly, nor anything bad about MMS, so they continue to use the same old lie over and over. You know, the first one the FDA spouted:

  • They said several people had complained about a stomach ache and one person had low blood pressure.

 But they never investigated these complaints. They knew that they would find nothing so they didn’t investigate. They just said it. A person over the telephone says they had low blood pressure, and the FDA not only believes them, but without the slightest bit of evidence puts it out to the state-run media that the low blood pressure was from MMS. Then the governments all begin attacking MMS based on the FDA’s non-existent “evidence”. Each government embellished the FDA’s lies and spread them further.

 Recent Attacks

 “ Hello Jim,  I am sorry to report our site has been taken down by the Brazilian authorities.”….





Hi Jim & team,


“Thought you might be interested in viewing this TV interview about MMS, which aired recently on TVNZ’s Closeup programme, nationwide. See the show here;


Or read the article + watch video here;


As you will see, it is typical media scaremongering. I knew when they interviewed me, that their agenda was to discredit MMS; but we feel the article could have been alot worse. We got many phone calls and emails as a result (all positive). One lady said she could tell I was telling the truth, and that the media were lying; so wanted to know more about MMS. Others testified of how MMS has helped them.”




 In England, one person selling MMS got out their Church logo and Minister’s Certificate and showed them to the people who came to take their things. Those people left with nothing, not wanting to attack a Church.

  • I hope you understand that Churches have the protection of people’s consciences.

No one wants to be responsible for attacking a Church, but on top of that, and even more important, the Churches have the protection of the law. In the eyes of the common law of man that has come down to us from antiquity, and is still fully in effect, the philosophy of separation of church and state is that the Church has equal powers with the government. The government thinks twice before sending people out to attack a Church as they are concerned about the waves it will cause in society. In addition, those whom they send out are almost always very apprehensive about attacking a Church.

Genesis 2 Goals

All our church wants to do is Good Deeds, Heal People For Free, And Always Do What Is Right. We accept donations but we do not sell anything. We are a true Church formed to help mankind overcome its diseases. We are not here on behalf of any religion or any philosophical group or even any political group or philosophy. However, we will fight for freedom if the need arises.

  • We are here for one reason, and one reason only, and that is because at this time, it is the right thing to do.

No one is getting rich, not even Bishop Jim Humble (that’s me). All income from training seminars and goes to the Church to be used for Church purposes throughout the world for the benefit of mankind. When I die, just like any Bishop, the next Bishop will take over. None of the money will go elsewhere at that time. It stays in the Church. And as the saying goes, The Genesis 2 Church of Health and Healing will march across the sands of time.

  • Genesis equals the beginning;
  • “2” equals the second beginning; and
  • Church of Health and Healing equals a new world without disease.

Sorry to hit you with that word “Bishop.” I don’t consider myself anything more than an inventor who wound up having to do something other than just stand idly by. I use the word Bishop so that people will see that the church has a background. After all, I am a Bishop consecrated in the main lineage of Bishops of a church leading back to Christ. Remember, we adhere to no specific religious doctrine but although our Church is not religious, we are spiritual. These are our beliefs:

  • Doing good deeds;
  • Healing for free; and
  • Always doing what is right.

If you subscribe to these beliefs, that is all that you need do to be a member of our Church. There are other beliefs of course, but they are not required.

Lies vs Truth

There is one point that neither the FDA nor the governments of the world seem to understand, and that is that:

  • The guys with the truth eventually win out.

You can only lie for a limited amount of time and then your lies come back to haunt you. Maybe you can get away with it for a hundred years, but there will come a time of reckoning when those lies will bring you to a stop. We of the Genesis 2 Church of Health and Healing say we bring about the healing of people, and we have a tremendous advantage because we indeed do. We won’t have to do a thing against the FDA. All we have to do is heal people and the FDA’s lies will become so evident that they will just fade away.

Please Help Get the Word Out

I ask those of you who have been healed through using MMS to put your story on the Web somewhere. Any one of the places where people can record things, such as Utube or blogs, will be fine. We just need those stories all over the Web. Also would be another place to put your story.

These governments, the FDA and other alphabet soup agencies do not understand the spiritual side. When you get enough people agreeing on a goal with only a few people on the opposite side not agreeing, the side with all the agreement is the direction where things go. It has the momentum. For a thousand years, the evil element was only a few men, but they kept the rest of the world disagreeing on religion, politics, and other beliefs. Thus they could essentially write History as there was no agreement on the opposite side. But now things have begun to change and the good guys are beginning to agree on what needs to be done. The “good guys” are not necessarily the religious guys, and the good goals are not necessarily religious goals. The fact is, we all agree on our need for Freedom and Peace. That is the spiritual part of MMS and in my opinion, that is the part that in only 6 years has brought MMS from zero users to more than 5 million.

Part 2 follows.